
"All television is educational television. The question is: what is it teaching?"
   - Nicholas Johnson, How to Talk Back to Your Television Set
Stories have a long-standing place in our educational traditions. The elements of well-known stories become touchstones in conversation. In this way, stories determine our culture, and perhaps the single most pervasive source of stories today is television.

But what happens when the primary source of culture is skewed to encourage selfish and materialistic thinking? What if it were used to paint the picture of a world where people work, buy, and sleep—and nothing else? If these stories become the culture, what then?

Art is supposed to expand our perspective, and the greatest stories do. However, the quest for better and better market blocks has led most television executives on a race to the bottom. Their goal is the cheapest content in front of the greatest number of eyes.

Art welcomes criticism. Art sells, and it does so long-term, but it has to earn the right to be purchased. The purpose of art is to broaden our education, and it sells when it does its job.

Above all, we are working to break this narrow commercialistic focus so we can promote art on television. Examining advertisements and entertainment each separately is a starting point for the necessary constructive criticism.

Enter the FITmedia... A platform for fair and balanced representation of views, seeking not to favor any idea, but to allow the truth to be illuminated. Freedom, Integrity, and Truth — Find your FIT.